If you have questions about which class to sign up for, please send us an email by using the link below. Many classes have prerequisites, so please check closely!

Private Dog Training

Private lessons allow you to work one-on-one with a trainer on whatever issues you would like to address.  We can help you begin training with a new dog or puppy, tune up previous training skills, or evaluate your dogs’ behavior.

The following trainers provide private lessons. Please contact them directly or, if you would like to have general questions answered about private training, contact us at Info@4PawsDogWorks.com or call 509-946-PAWS (7297).


Angie Guzman
(509) 643-1303
Competition Obedience, Competition Rally, CGC/CGCA  preparation

Tracy Hill
(509) 946-7297
Evaluations, General Training, NoseWork, Tracking, Freestyle, Tricks

Vicky Lovejoy
(562) 843-1791
Evaluations, General Training, Agility, NoseWork, Canine Fitness, Canine Massage