Friday Frolic
Friday Frolic, including NoseWork practice, is canceled until further notice. Thanks for understanding.
Spend time with your dog and your friends on Friday nights!!!!
4 Paws DogWorks offers unlimited run-throughs ($5 per dog) in Agility, Rally and an open ring (for Obedience or other work) for members.
Many members bring their dogs for socialization…we encourage that, too.
There’s also NoseWork support right before Frolic begins. You must have taken NoseWork 2 (or equivalent) to partake of the support!
No pressure, it’s a drop-in event. It’s the best $5 you’ll spend all week!

Classes meet one day a week for 8 weeks unless noted otherwise.
Prior to attending class, you will be asked to provide shot records for your dog. Shots you will need can be found here, and if you have questions, please Contact Us!
All classes are subject to our Cancellation/Refund Policy
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