DeAnn Nelson

Trainer Since 2008
- Past President and current Member and Agility Coordinator, Columbia Basin Dog Training Club
- Member, Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Club
- Member, Northwest Cardigan Fanciers
- Member, Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America
- Past Member, Sand, and Sage Hunting Retriever Club
Titles Earned on Dogs
- STAR Puppy
- CGC (4)
- Agility – NA, NAJ, NF, NAP (2), NJP (2), NFP (2), OA, OAJ, OAP, OJP (2), AXP, MXP
- Obedience – BN, CD (2), GN
- Rally – RN (3), RA (3), RE, RAE1 (working on RAE2)
- Herding – Herding Tested (HT) working on Pre-test Herding (PT)
Why She Trains
I’ve been interested in training animals all of my life; starting with the family dog as a kid to training horses as a teenager. After many years working with horses; (collecting many injuries along the way), I decided to hang up my saddle. Feeling at loose ends; I decided to look into taking a beginning agility class with my older Cardigan, Poppy. Poppy was/is very reserved and needed something to boost her confidence and the two of us needed to bond. The rest, as they say is history.
I started taking every class that I qualified for (CGC, Beginning Obedience, Rally) that CBDTC offered with my 4 dogs (2 Labradors and 2 Cardigan Welsh Corgis). I love competing so jumped right into the Rally ring after only a couple of classes. Did we do well? We did ok, but we had so much fun that we just kept going. My dogs and I have competed in every mainstream venue that AKC offers (Agility, Obedience, Conformation, and Rally) and some breed-specific venues as well (Hunt Tests and Herding). I love it all and can’t wait to try some of the other sports that are now available.
I started assisting with classes as a way to pay CBDTC back for all of their help and support. I currently teach the beginning Agility classes as well as work on curriculum development. I really enjoy seeing my student catch the training “bug” and go on to excel in their chosen venues. Dog people are some of the best people around!
My other passion is for organizing… parties, events, databases, etc… you will probably find me in the back room hovering over a computer planning something fun.